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Breaking the Cycle

Formerly Incarcerated Student Experience

Event date: 3/29/2024 Export event

Breaking the Cycle

Published on 3/21/2024.


This event consists of four parts, as an all-day event on March 29th: 

1. RE-ENTRY SIMULATION is designed to raise awareness about the challenges encountered by formerly incarcerated individuals reentering society (particularly college students). Those engaging in this process are afforded opportunities to develop a new/deeper understanding of the realities facing many of our CR students. Starting from the moment someone returns to general society, participants travel through the rights and responsibilities that accompany anyone attempting to reengage in their community and strive towards their professional goals. Come walk a mile in their shoes. This event has been successfully run across the United States.

2. FORMERLY INCARCERATED STUDENT PANEL:  This moderated conversation will provide an opportunity for formerly incarcerated CR students to share their experiences, for participants to ask questions, and for the staff/faculty/admin to engage in reflective thinking around the steps that we can all take to ease the transition for students attending this college. Student panelists will be individuals connected with our Adult Ed programming through the Humboldt County Jail, active participants in the CR student club for formerly incarcerated students, and current SWHS students who have a history of incarceration.

3. MOVIE PREMIERE:   Join us for an early screening of the poignant documentary directed by Emmy Award-winning director Bill Wisneski: Almost Home. The film, which addresses the real-time experience of individuals attempting to reenter larger society and engage in significant changes through higher education recently won two regional Emmy Awards for Best Documentary and Best Director (Pacific SW Chapter). This movie (which will be screened as part of the Pelican Bay Scholars Program in June of 2024) does an excellent job of providing depth to the experience of formerly incarcerated individuals, outlining the unique struggles that they face during the reentry period.

4. DEBRIEF:  DEBRIEF & DISCUSSION OF THE DAY’S EXPERIENCE 3:I5pm • In the CR Theatre This 1-hour moderated session will provide attendees with the opportunity to talk, ask questions and discuss ways that our community can support formerly incarcerated students, staff and faculty here at College of the Redwoods.



  2023 College of the Redwoods